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On the cover: Dustin and Mischelle Manis, – Photo courtesy of Reaching Souls International
5 Reaching Souls International
by Stephanie Rische
One ministry’s effective strategy for reaching more souls.
10 A Journey of Faith and Answered Prayer
by Jonathan Wright
Elmer Towns’ ongoing faith journey.
14 Book Excerpt: A Dog named Mattis
Get a glimpse into the life of a K9 police team.
16 Set on a New Path
by Iris Carignan
Can hanging out at the beach be a ministry?
22 Spiritual Growth Resource Guide 28 Three Tarnished Pennies
by Richard Whitaker
Waiting on God’s provision. Rejoicing in His faithfulness.
30 First Looks Resource Guide
32 Where AI and the Bible Meet
by Michelle Adserias
The impact of Artificial Intelligence Jesus on biblical truth and a lost world.
9 Living in Wisdom
Pursuing Your First Love
20 Ask Dr. Walt
Is laughter the best medicine? Find out more.
27 Turning Point
Content in All Things
36 Dave Says
Second Mortgages, Shared Money and More
40 Persecution Report
What’s Going on in Algeria?
44 Devotional
My Hiding Place
46 Grace Notes
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