By Pastor Bradley Stubbs

I was recently working a typical day, doing paperwork and answering phone calls. As I was just getting back from lunch my phone rang again. I was annoyed, at first, because I had so much paperwork to do and I did not feel like having a long conversation with someone at that moment. Despite this, I answered the phone. The man on the other end asked me if I could send him a Bible.

The organization I serve gives out Bibles regularly, so this was not an uncommon occurrence. I would typically respond with a yes and then ask the man what his address was so we could send someone in his area to give him a Bible. I started off following the typical procedure, but I felt the Holy Spirit push me to ask this man if he wanted to know more about Christianity or if he just wanted a Bible. To my surprise, he said, “Yeah, I guess I want to know more about Christianity, too.”

One of my first responses was to say, “Great, let me send you some resources on what it means to be a Christian and what happens next.” Although plenty of resources on this topic would be helpful to someone searching for answers, the Holy Spirit pushed me again. “You are the resource.”

This really struck me. So, I sat back and cleared my mind of all the things I needed to do that afternoon. I asked the man, “Can I tell you what it means?” He agreed. For the next 20 minutes we had a wonderful conversation about what it truly meant to follow Jesus, what He did for us on the cross, and what He promises those who follow Him for all eternity. As the call was concluding, I found myself leading this man through a prayer to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

Many times in my life, I get so caught up in all I have to do that I miss the most important thing God is calling me to do. God opened an incredible door for me when this man called, and I would have potentially slammed it shut if I just gave him some resources and sent him on his way. My days are often extremely busy, but this phone conversation taught me I have to make sure my day is never too busy for what God wants me to do. His assigned task is the one, no matter what happens, I cannot miss.

Insecurity Inhibits Your Witness.

Many times, I believed the best thing to do for people asking about Jesus was to give them a resource because I felt unprepared to share with them. I felt like my knowledge and experience was not enough. I felt like someone else was much more qualified to share Jesus with them. Better yet, the resources I would give them would explain things much better than I ever could.

That day, God challenged me by reminding me I am a follower of Jesus and have received His Holy Spirit. He reminded me that I know exactly what it means to follow Him because I am living it. I realized my story has power because the power of Jesus has been breathed into it. Jesus reminded me I am enough – not because I have incredible knowledge and experience, but because He who lives in me is greater than he who lives in the world. The God of the universe is on my side, helping me every step of the way. I am worthy in His eyes.

I began to understand that Jesus is calling me to share my story with those around me. Wow. The Savior of the world desires to use my story to bring others to Himself. How awesome is that! What is even more incredible is that our Savior desires the same for each and every person! He has given each of us a unique story for a reason and He’s eagerly waiting for us to open it up for the world to read. Why? Because people can see the love and grace of Jesus Christ throughout the pages of our life. The question is, are you willing to be God’s open book?

God taught me that my story is the most powerful testimony I have. My story has power, whether I think it does or not, because Jesus is the climax of my story. He gave me this story for a reason, and His desire is for me to share it with the world around me. Many Christians never tell their story because they do not feel like they are good speakers or will “mess it up” somehow. This is why many Christians like myself, instead, give people a resource or a Bible to read.

The truth is, God does not call the equipped. He equips the called. God wants us to give our weaknesses to Him so His strength and power can shine through. When we come to Him in complete faith and ask Him to guide us and lead us, His spirit brings a peace that surpasses all understanding, giving us the wisdom and confidence to say what God is telling us to say.

Moses had a speech impediment and tried to run away from what God was calling him to do. He, like many of us, did not believe he was equipped to speak and lead others. But God desired for him to do so. When he fully surrendered to God, he began to see God use him in ways he never imagined. Ultimately, Moses became one of the greatest leaders in history and lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, with God’s hand upon him.

When we are weak, scared, and lack confidence, we can rest assured our heavenly Father is watching over us, waiting to lend a helping hand. I recently ran across this verse: “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.” (Acts 4:13, ESV)

Peter and John were uneducated, common men, yet they were with Jesus. The Israelite people were astonished. I was inspired. People in Jesus’ day didn’t care how educated, talented, or popular Peter and John were. They were drawn to the One who lived and breathed through Peter and John. This surpassed anything else. This is what the people took away from their encounters.

The next time Jesus opens a door for me to witness to someone, I am going to be confident in who He has called me to be and rest assured knowing He will guide me through. God has assured me I am enough. Not because there is any good or power in me. But because Jesus Christ is working in me both to will and to do according to the good pleasure of our Father in Heaven. (Philippians 2:13)

I am worthy in His eyes, and my story is enough.

Bradley and Gracie Subbs

Bradley is the Children & Family Pastor at FBC Portland in Portland, TN where he resides with his wife Gracie and daughter Annalee. He has a Masters in Theology from Liberty University. He has written and published a book titled “No More Acceptance: Uncovering and Overcoming the Pattern of the World.” He also has an active blog to encourage and equip young families with the truth of God’s Word that can be found at