With all of my best efforts, it had still been a day teetering on disaster. “What was missing?” I was determined to know. Apparently, the answer to my question, was Bob Goff.

Preparing for the Worst

As my husband and I prepared for a 90-minute ride to a friend’s house to celebrate July 4th, I couldn’t imagine how the ride would be anything other than stressful. After all, I had spent the day unsuccessfully trying to encourage our three wild boys to behave appropriately. And the added element of them sitting together in the back of our sedan undoubtedly increases that level of tension.

I prepared for the worst, and without inquiring about anyone’s preference, I resumed the audiobook I had been listening to — Bob Goff’s Love Does. I was somewhat shocked as I realized that, after the initial sighs and eye rolls, my boys were silent and attentive in the back seat. Even my husband rolled with laughter as Bob relayed some hilarious stories and then conveyed their biblical relevance. My anticipated 90-minute ride of disaster had turned into a time of laughter and comradery among the men in my household. Bob had saved the day.

Bob’s Unique Ability

And maybe with slight jealously, I wondered why my previous efforts had failed drastically but Bob seemed to come in with flawless accuracy. Surely my storytelling was sometimes as captivating as Bob’s? I did my best to relay biblical truth even to things like bike rides and plumbing problems. I had a blog to prove it! But as they got back in the car after the party and begged me for more Bob Goff, I humbly realized I had obviously fallen short of his mesmerizing powers.

I wondered how many times in my life others had presented biblical truth to me, hoping I’d be mesmerized by their less-than-glamorous display. I wondered how often I had heard a preacher on the radio, on TV, or even in person, but barely kept awake during their best efforts to inspire. I wondered how many times I had rolled my eyes before I had gotten in front of someone who “spoke my language” enough to relay biblical truth in a way I would understand. I realized that when I got to that person, I indeed was mesmerized. And no, he wasn’t Bob Goff. (Although, I can say Bob can tell one heck of a story!)

All Ends of the Earth – Even My Backseat

I admit now that I’m grateful that next time we take a long car ride, I can play as many Bob Goff audiobooks as my rentals will allow. I can release myself from the obviously false expectation that my boys will receive all their stories of great biblical insight from me. And I can remember how grateful I am that God has given us unique voices and abilities to do just as He asked us to do — to go and reach all ends of the earth. Amazingly that included inviting Bob Goff into my back seat. Thanks, brother!