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On the cover: Patricia Souza Holbrook, SoaringwithHim.com Photo taken by Tray Morrell
6 Soaring with Him
by Stephanie Rische
Patricia talks about God’s grace and gentle guidance through life’s transitions.
10 1st Place Contest Winner
The Colonel’s Box
by Leo Cardez
Find out what happened when one inmate decided to obey God’s voice, no matter the cost.
14 2nd Place Contest Winner
Dangerous Channels and Warning Whistles
by Harriett Ford
Sometimes a warning heeded – a skittish horse, a train whistle, or God’s still mall voice – saves a life.
16 3rd Place Contest Winner
A Healing of the Heart
by Angie Sutliff
When the heartache of a prodigal child seemed insufferable, God brought hope and healing.
19 More Than a Critique Group
By Pam Walker
Learn what Word Weavers International has to offer both seasoned and aspiring writers.
23 Writer Resource Guide
Here are some resources that may help you along your writing and publishing journey.
26 From Ground Pounder to Believer
by Celeste Walker
Before he could embrace Christ’s love for him, Isom Ross Jr. had to let go of his hatred. It wasn’t easy.
30 Readers Resource Guide
Take a first look at some new resources.
40 Well-Known Authors Word Puzzle
Can you identify these famed Christian writers by the title of their book?
42 By the Mercies of God
What role does mercy play in building local church unity? Jamie Dunlop explains in his new book, Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy.
9 Living in Wisdom
How Weakness Becomes Strength
18 Dave Says
Money Matters and Family
22 Turning Point
Silencing Ed
25 Devotional
Fervent in Love
34 Ask Dr. Walt
Hearing Aids, WI-FI Routers and more