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On the cover: Jeff Allen,
Photo courtesy of Jeff Allen Comedy


5 Holy Humor
by Stephanie Rische
Jeff Allen’s journey from addiction to a life with meaning and a God-given purpose.

10 Make Love Your Aim
by Michelle Adserias
Gene and Vi Gauerke celebrate 70 happy years of marriage with God at the center.

16 LifeWise Academy
Joel Penton explains how public school students are learning the Bible during school hours.

18 Ask the Animals
Q&A with Annette Whipple
Annette’s new children’s devotional explores biblical lessons God’s creatures can teach us.

22 Christian Living Resource Guide

27 God’s Alternative Education
by Doc Arnett
The students weren’t the only ones who got an education!

30 First Looks Resource Guide

34 The Prayer-holic Father
By Joseph Hope
Lessons from a father who prays about everything.

36 Book Excerpt: Restoring Joy
From Cindy Brinker Simmon’s book Restored.

40 The Christian Response to Terrorism
By Mike Lutz
As Christ-followers, how can we best respond to terrorism?


9 Living in Wisdom
Unlikely Mentors

14 Ask Dr. Walt
Six Important Health Questions

33 Turning Point
When You Stand Praying

42 Dave Says
Finances and Family

43 Devotional
Stand Firm

46 Grace Notes
Finding Peace