As I looked down at the prayer I had written for my oldest son months ago, I realized that God had manifested it before my eyes this morning, even before my coffee took full effect. I had prayed that the Lord would help my son to “stand tall.” When I came down the stairs this morning, my son stood before me in full military uniform, off to his first day of training in the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps.

Walking in Honor

My family has a deep and personal appreciation for the men and women of our military. I’m the proud wife of a Navy veteran, who is, as far as I’m concerned, the strongest man on the planet. I have had other relatives who have served our country, and I’m sincerely grateful to God for the freedoms that have been fought for in this country. My son joining the ranks of the many men and women of honor and valor that have gone before us certainly fills us with pride. But this morning was a mother-son moment like those we mamas both dream of and dread all at the same time. It was a moment when I saw the man step out from the boy. I saw him stand tall as I prayed for what God would have him do.

And off he went while I held my breath and my mind went running with him. Will he do as we talked about? Will he survive the mental strengthening as much as he will the physical training? Will he break under the pressure? What will he consider when it comes down to a moment of quitting or pressing on?

We are Known

At his age, I certainly wasn’t concerned with the Lord. I remember the things I thought about at 15. I had light and excitement in my eyes, but it wasn’t the life-sustaining kind. As a mother, I want nothing other than that the Lord, the light of life, to be fully present with all my children because I know it’s the only thing that can truly sustain them. Yet as much as I may want to steer and disciple them towards Him, they’re the ones who have to make the choice on their own to stand and accept the true calling on their life as men of God. I don’t have the ability to truly know my son’s heart toward the Lord, but I do have reassurance that God sees him and knows him intimately.

And it’s only because I know my Savior that I can know and rest that the presence of the Lord goes with my son today. I can stand tall as a mother, even as he walks his own path because I know where our identity lies — in Christ alone. The Lord has made this day good, and I will delight in knowing that my God heard my prayer and will hear every one of my son’s as well.