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On the cover: Francine Rivers, author of more than 25 Christian novels.

Photo courtesy of Elaina Burdo


6          Stories of Redemption

by Stephanie Rische

Francine Rivers’ novels feature characters gloriously transformed by the gospel, but her own true-life story is just as amazing.

12        1st Place — Kingdom Builders: Building Men of God From the Ground Up

by Barbara Higby

Edwin Placeres runs a construction company that rehabs far more than homes.

14        2nd Place — Redeemer Christian Foundation: Bringing Hope to a Persecuted Land

by Bev Rihtarchik

When a Pakistani Christian posted on Bev Rihtarchik’s blog, it set into motion a series of lifechanging events.

16        3rd Place — Mom: A Conqueror in Christ

by Pastor Josiah Hoagland Sr.

Pastor Josiah Hoagland thought he would be strengthening his mom as she suffered through cancer, but he was stunned by what actually happened.

20        Daniel: A Plumb Line for Godly Choices

by Anne Graham Lotz

Daniel was forced to make difficult decisions in pagan Babylon. By carefully examining his choices, we can learn to live wisely in our own culture.

28        Author Spotlight

Renowned Christian authors Angela Hunt, Bob Hostetler, and Elizabeth George share a behind-the-scenes look at their writing methods.

34        Writers Resource Guide

No matter where you are in your writing career, you’ll find the professional resources you need to develop your gift and further your calling.

42        Christmas Gift Guide

Our annual Christmas Gift Guide is packed with spiritually nourishing devotionals, books, and Bibles for family and friends.

58        The Night He Spoke to Me

By Quinn Holden

New Year’s Eve was a night of decision. Would Quinn abandon her failing marriage? Or would she turn her life back over to the One who can make all things new?


10        Living in Wisdom

Praise in the Darkest Valleys

18        Ask Dr. Walt

Which Medicines Are Safe and Effective?

22        Live Right Now

Don’t Follow the Crowd; Interceding on Behalf of Others

24        Dave Says

Watch Out for Paralyzing Debts and Expenses

26        Turning Point

Open Our Eyes, Lord!

38        Persecution Report

Chinese Church Reaching Overseas

62        Grace Notes

God at Work in the Bywater


4          The Fine Print

21        Daily Bible Connection

40        Quick Takes

54        Laugh Lines

56        Quips & Quotes

60        Kids of the Kingdom