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On the cover: Singer, songwriter, and women’s ministry speaker Tammy Trent.

Photo courtesy Tammy Trent, Inc.


6             Through Storms to Sunshine

by Alice N. Daniels

Tammy Trent was at the peak of her career when disaster struck. How could she endure such a loss?

10           A Breakthrough in Bible Translation

by Michael Foust

Wycliffe has developed a groundbreaking strategy to dramatically speed up Bible translation

19           The Starting Point Project

by Dan Brownell

Internationally known speaker Jay Seegert offers free apologetics presentations to churches, conferences, schools, and more.

20           Right There

by Jim Daly

Heather was frozen with fear, but then her dad calmly whispered a few words to her.

24           Free in Jesus

by Daniel L. Akin and Bruce Riley Ashford

These persecuted believers have a confident, joy-filled answer for every threat the authorities hurl at them.

30           Seth Smith: Up to Bat for the Lord

by Gail Wood

Seth Smith, right fielder for the Baltimore Orioles, has learned the secret of dealing with the pressure of performance.

38           8 Activities to Connect Your Family in a World of Disconnect

by Ruth Anne Burrell

Try these family bonding activities to keep the lines of communication lines open.

42           Planting Our Seeds

by Jack Alexander

Jack was devastated by a humiliating demotion, but the Lord had a purpose in it.

44           Kids in the Kitchen

by Shay Shull

There’s no better place than the kitchen to teach your kids love and life skills.


14           Living in Wisdom

Patience for the Journey

16           Ask Dr. Walt

Use Caution With Medications and Supplements

22           Live Right Now

Common Challenges in Marriage and Child Rearing

26           Dave Says

Make Sound, Decisive Financial Choices

28           Turning Point

Two Perspectives on Faith

36           Persecution Report

Severe Russian Laws Target Evangelicals, Missionaries, Others

50           Grace Notes

An Unexpected Grief


4             The Fine Print

18           Daily Bible Connection

33           Quips & Quotes

34           Quick Takes

41           Laugh Lines

48           Kids of the Kingdom