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On the Cover: Billy Wayne Arrington, Photo provided by Vision Productions


5 Driven by Eternal Purpose  
by Michelle Adserias
Billy Wayne Arrington uses his gifts and talents to tell the world about Jesus.

10 Into Africa
A missionary, a painting and a mystery finally solved.

12 Rescue, Redemption, Recovery
by Brenda Hansen
Crisis Aid International brings hope and healing to victims of human trafficking.

16 Hope Endures
by Alyssa Charpentier
Hear a Gen Z believer’s testimony to the joy and hope found in Christ – for all generations.

20 The Power of Yet
by Jessica Burchfield
Find out where this teacher finds the strength to return to her high school classroom, year after year.

22 Pre-Marriage Advice From Gen Z, to Gen Z: An Interview with Nick and Chelsea Hurst
One young couple’s insights into dating and marriage in the social media age.

26 Christian Fiction Resource Guide
Curl up with a great book and lose yourself in the story.

32 Spiritual Growth Resource Guide
These resources can improve your under­standing of God and the Christian walk

9 Living in Wisdom
Justice and Mercy

28 Dave Says
Estate planning, life insurance, debt resolution and more.

30 Turning Point
When I Grow Up

36 Ask Dr. Walt
What You Should Know about Artificial Sweeteners.

38 Persecution Report
What’s Going on in Israel?

45 Devotional
Living Water

46 Grace Notes
The Best Gift