
Category: 2022 Issues

Here are some resources designed to help you on your lifelong spiritual growth journey. They offer teaching, truths and encouragement to keep you moving consistently forward, even when there are bumps and potholes along the road. Our ultimate goal is to be conformed to the image of Christ so we will bring God glory in all we say and do.

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
(Romans 12:1-2)

Today’s Christian Living November 2022

5 Mary, Jim, and Spiderman
6 Every Gift to God’s Glory
12 The Quiet Birth Heard Round the World
14 Prepare
16 Christmas Gift Guide
10 Living in Wisdom: Sacrifice
37 Turning Point: Redemption on the Broken Road
40 Ask Dr. Walt: Are Smoothies Nutritious?
42 Persecution Report: Compelled by Compassion to Pray
44 Dave Says: The Upside- Down Vehicle Lien
46 Grace Notes:The Closer

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Today’s Christian Living May 2022

6 Blake & Jenna Bolerjack: Facing the Storms of Life With Jesus
12 Revive Our Hearts: Providing a Daily Infusion of God’s Word
18 At First Light
22 Beyond the Red Carpet
25 Moms, Dads & Grads Resource Guide
10 Living in Wisdom: Stewardship – A Biblical View
16 Ask Dr. Walt: Fruitful Fasting
24 Turning Point: Reconciling Good and Hard
40 Persecution Report: 2022 World Watch List Report
46 Grace Notes: God on the Road of Despair

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Today’s Christian Living March 2022

5 10th Annual Writing Contest
All Christians have stories to tell about God’s faithfulness. Enter one of yours in our 10th annual writing contest for a chance to win a prize and have your story published in our November writers issue.

6 The Astronaut’s Wife: How an Ordinary Family Navigates an Extraordinary Life
by Stephanie Rische
Stacey and her family are ordinary Christians who have learned how to balance the everyday humdrum of life with the exciting, out-of-this-world adventures of an astronaut.

12 Trans World Radio (TWR): Hope Knows No Barriers
by Dan Brownell
Trans World Radio has been broadcasting the gospel and discipling listeners around the globe for nearly 75 years. Now, with a world that’s growing darker by the day, its mission is more urgent than ever.

18 Love Never Fails
by Papa Joe Bradford
God used Joe Bradford’s hardships in early life to mold such a deep compassion for those in need — especially children — that he earned the nickname “Papa Joe” and had a movie made about his life.

24 The Life I Now Live
by Mike Lutz
Mike Lutz is a multitalented Christian whose credentials include being a golf pro, head chef, senior pastor, and author. But the theme that runs through every aspect of his life is his love for His Savior.

29 Easter Resource Guide
Jesus’ resurrection proves He is God and that His words are true. He has given us His word in written form to provide a light to guide our path. In this guide, you’ll find a wide range of Bibles and other resources for young and old.

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Today’s Christian Living January 2022

6 All Things Through Christ: Record-holding endurance athlete Katie Spotz found that her achievements left her stressed and empty. Then a friend pointed her to freedom and purpose.

9 Reader Survey: We need your feedback to help us help you with Today’s Christian Living content.

12 He Knows Your Name: When Linda Znachko responded to God’s prompting, she had no idea He would lead her into an ongoing, lifechanging ministry.

18 The Breath of Life: Debra was in a battle for her life, but her priority was telling her nurse about Jesus.

19 The Chosen Video Index

24 Faith Over Cancer: Ginny was stunned by her cancer diagnosis. She had always been a “health nut.” Why was God allowing this in her life?

28 Heaven Bound: Greg Stier’s violent family came to Jesus one-by-one, but “Ma” was the holdout, believing she was too far gone for God’s grace.

32 Prepared for God’s Business: Reese Kauffman was a successful Christian businessman, but he discovered his true calling when God put his skills to work in Child Evangelism Fellowship.

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